Sunday, November 1, 2009

why I love the holidays, part one

pretty advertisements, festive packaging, and the spirit of giving

Of course I never shop at Target
since EVERYTHING is better (and usually cheaper) on Amazon.
But I do love their festive shipping for the holidays - -
no gift wrap necessary when the box is so cute.
And, clever clever Target execs, the more you order
the better it will all look on the doorstep.

I wonder if they do anything for other holidays...

"Hanukkah Delivered"

"Kwanzaa Delivered"

Kwanzaa is actually pretty interesting to me because it is so recent. I think it began in the 60's... I guess what is amazing about "new" or recent holidays or religions like Kwanzaa is that they're able to develop such a committed following so quickly. I mean, the principles of Kwanzaa were taught in my middle school. That is success.

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