Monday, July 6, 2009

gift guide for (real and) imaginary children

{image ffffound here via tumblr}

I love reading the blog Peanut Petunia partly because it is always brimming with decorating inspiration but also because every so often it reminds me that I'm not the only one that thinks about, plans for, dreams about, and shops for my imaginary child. As much as I miss my nephews and nieces down in Texas (and boy do I), I would be absolutely broke if they lived near me. Kids books are probably a primary weakness but there are oh so many other lovely little doo-dats and whatsits for tots these days to saturate my attention.

like these play and freeze ice cream makers


Adele said...

oh maan! I want one of those swings for myself!! oh the joys of being a carefree child!

{quixotic.elizabeth} said...

I know right?! Lucky monkeys!