Thursday, August 6, 2009

happy birthday to me!

Today I turned 22.
I can remember being in 5th grade
absolutely unable to imagine the year 2005 - -
when I would be graduating from high school.
Whoa. Time flies.

Even though I had a test yesterday
and I'm prepping for another tomorrow,
today has been a very nice day!

I woke up to a cup of coffee and a plate of eggs,
cooked with love by my philosopher,
followed shortly by a phone call from my mom
singing happy birthday.

I received a phone call from someone special
that I haven't heard from in ages,
got one of the most special letters of my life
{from my philosopher, bien sûr}
AND I got a surprise present in the mail!

Remember my recent wish
for a cute little red sewing machine?
Well, I just got one!
{I love Amazon but I love Kay more!}

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