Saturday, June 13, 2009


{click to enlarge the cuppie goodness!}

One of the great things about living in Seattle is getting to see Jessie Oleson's art around town. Cute watercolor paintings of cuppies in action, robots, ice cream cones and so forth just make my day. I know what you're thinking. "Didn't you just get through raving about all the sweet treats you like more than cupcakes??" Yes. It is true. There are things I like to eat more than cupcakes. But it is tough to pull off a painting of tiramisu visiting the space needle (unless you count the tiramisu riding around in my love handles). I think my favorite cakespy image is the spoof of Andy Warhol and his tomato soup piece. The hair just kills me! But they're all pretty awesome.

1 comment:

Cakespy said...

You are making me blush! This is such a sweet feature!!