Sunday, June 21, 2009

Today the philosopher and I are making lunch for a tres spectacular party in honor of Father's day and two special birthdays. I wrapped up the gifts last night and we're headed out for the ingredients in about an hour. Of course, when I say we're making lunch I really mean to say we're buying lunch and heating it up... I had glorious plans for making homemade enchiladas complimented with beans, rice, chips & salsa, and virgin pina coladas. But my laziness got the best of me... and I decided that my Mexi-plans might be a little overboard for lunch. So instead, we're going to buy some of my favorite, locally made butternut squash ravioli to be complimented with broccoli, organic bread from the Essential Baking Co., drinks with umbrella straws, and maybe some chocolates or brownies to finish it all off. Heck, I might even take over some fun napkins if I can find some in my stash - - yes, that is right. I store up on fun napkins. For L and I the party doesn't end after lunch. Since summer quarter starts tomorrow we're going to finish off our week long break with another day of our movie-thon. Only today will be different than the rest because we're going to the theater instead of our sofa.

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